How Earn Money From Make An app Imran Online

“How Earn Money From Make An app Imran Online” is a search query online. Typing the sentence, many online users search the ways to make money online.

That means an app that is developed by Imran, who is returning huge. In this article, you have all the ideas he used to make money using the app.

So let’s start-

App Guru Imran Khan

In India, if you think about android apps, a name will appear that is Imran Khan. He is called an app guru in India.

Mohd. Imran Khan is a teacher and well know app developer. Through his apps, he always tries to teach people various topics. That means all of the apps are educative.

To keep your eyes on his works, you should dive into the link.

For having support –

Mohd. Imran Khan
[email protected]
Teacher and App Developer
Alwar, Rajasthan

How Earn Money From Make An app Imran Online

As a newbie, you can have money to lead your life happily. For that, you need not be an app developer. You can make money by using other’s apps. That is why you need to choose an app to return.

Make money using a third-party app.

There are a lot of ways to make money line from an app. You can go and complete a survey, or you can give your opinion about the app.

Many apps offer you money for your time, but some do it for free.

One way that you could make money online is by taking surveys. There are sites where you can join and earn points which can be exchanged for cash or gift cards.

Another way is by answering questions on apps like Facebook and Google+. Easy tasks like telling people how much they look like their parents, rating movies, etc., will earn you cash or points.

You can also write reviews or answer customer service calls on apps like Zendesk or Zoho Answers.

Make money being an app developer.

The best way to make money from an app is to build a thriving community around your app. If you have created a successful product, people want to talk about it with their friends and family. The more people talk about your app, the more popular it becomes.

Once you have built up a decent community, you should start charging for access to certain features in your app. This will help keep up with demand and ensure you make enough money through the app to continue developing it.


You should also look into other ways of making money online besides ads: affiliate marketing, pay-per-click advertising, and so on. There are many different ways of monetizing an app nowadays, so do not be afraid to try out new things!

1) The most popular way is to offer paid apps or content on your app store. You can easily make money from these apps.

2) You can create tutorials or guides for other apps and make money from them.

3) If you have programming, design, and marketing skills, you can start your own business and sell your services or products through your app store.

Such ways The app guru makes money online. Then you can ask me how I can help Earn Money From An app by Imran. Simple, for that, you need to visit the “

By visiting the link, you can find a lot of educative apps that can help you to be educated on “How to be an app developer online?”

How to make money using

Imran Khan is called an app guru in India. That means is the master of app developers. Using his creativities on app development ideas, he designed a lot of apps to teach his students. Being prepared using his apps, you can be educative on various topics. The topics will help you to make money online.

You also make money being an affiliate partner of his apps. That means by referring his apps to your other friends, you can make money quickly.

His popular apps-

  • Yuva Shakti
  • General Science in Hindi
  • GK talk
  • Gyan Manzari
  • Hello Maths
  • Imran Apps
  • Maths Reasoning

Imran Apps

Imran apps
Imran Apps

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